Workers' Compensation

Every year our firm negotiates numerous six figure settlements of workers’ compensation claims on behalf of those who have suffered serious injuries at work. Because each claim or case presents a different set of circumstances that directly impact the value of each case, including different injuries, varying impact of injury on our clients’ lives, insurance carriers, judges, average weekly wage, etc, it is not possible for a workers’ compensation or personal injury attorney to tell you that your claim is worth the same as a prior client’s claim.
Because each and every case is unique, our firm chooses not to publish the settlement amount of workers’ compensation cases we handle because we do not believe it is a fair measuring stick for our future clients. Our firm prefers to rely on the outstanding reputation we have worked tirelessly to earn with our former satisfied clients, labor organizations and members of the legal community by continuously achieving terrific outcomes for our clients, rather than displaying large settlements on our website in an attempt to impress future clients.
Examples of some of the cases we have handled in the past few years which have resulted in multiple six figure settlements include the following:
- Lump sum settlement for union pipefitter who suffered knee injury at work causing need for total knee replacement surgery.
- Lump sum settlement for the surviving spouse of a ramp attendant employed by major airline who was struck and killed by a de-icing truck on runway at airport. Surviving spouse also received significant third party negligence settlement.
- Lump sum settlement for bartender who suffered significant shoulder injury trying to restrain an unruly patron, injury later develops into Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.
- Lump sum settlement for union sheet metal worker who injured his shoulder while performing overhead duct work requiring surgery.
- Lump sum settlement for union plumber who suffered injuries to his foot, ankle, and knee while working at Deer Island construction site, requiring surgery.
- Lump sum settlement for union carpenter who suffered disabling injury to major shoulder requiring surgery.
- Lump sum settlement for union pipefitter who injured lower back at work requiring surgery. Carney, Rezendes & Crowley, LLC obtained several hundred thousand dollars in wage loss benefits and additionally secured lifetime medical benefits for the client after our attorneys performed an extensive investigation into the merits of his claim, after our client’s case had been previously rejected by another local prominent workers’ compensation law firm.
- Lump sum settlement for the surviving spouse of an arborist who fell over 70 feet to his death while working from a crane.
- Lump sum settlement for the surviving spouse of a laborer who was killed in a car accident while his employer was transporting him to a job site.
- Lump sum settlement for a union truck driver who fell at work and suffered a mild traumatic brain injury.
- Lump sum settlement for a union sheet metal worker who suffered a shoulder injury when he was caused to fall on construction debris left on floor by another trade contractor. Third party negligence claim against general contractor and offending trade contractor settled and provided injured worker with significant additional compensation.